September 9, 2002
• Tech TV describes serious Flaw
Service Patch link
Do Not Click On This File. It will Delete All your non-hidden C:\Windows files.
Boot Camp tip
As mentioned earlier in the show, Microsoft released a service
pack for Windows XP. It fixes a serious security hole that Microsoft has
known for over 11 weeks.
The security hole involves Windows XP help. The hole allows anyone to put a link on a website that can wipe out a certain hard drive directories.
If, for whatever reason, you don't or can't download the service pack, there is an alternative solution. There is a file you can rename or delete to fix the security hole. Here are the steps:
September 5, 2002
• Microsoft issues warning flaw in Web
Authenticity Certificate
Patch link / Article
August 29, 2002
• Microsoft issues warning flaw in Digital
Certificates Certificate
Patch link / Article
March 22, 2000
• Microsoft issues warning for stolen Verisign Certificate
People should click the hyperlinked "Microsoft Corporation" name to get more information on the certificate. If the "Valid from" field starts with either a
Jan. 29, 2001, date or a Jan. 30,
2001, date, the certificate is fraudulent and the person should not download the software. (The
time stamps are a day behind the issuing dates because certificates are based on Greenwich Mean Time.)
Microsoft has asked anyone finding such a certificate to contact it at
May 19, 2000
• Microsoft issues patch for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
May 10, 2000
• MS Outlook virus protection updates From Microsoft TechNet
• Microsoft Outlook 97 Email Attachment Security Update From CNET
• Microsoft Outlook 98 Email Attachment Security Update From CNET
• Microsoft Outlook 2000 Email Attachment Security Update From CNET
• Virus Attack
July 30, 1999
Office 97 hole can allow code to take overThe company plans to post a security bulletin that will include instructions on how to easily upgrade to Jet 4.0 via Microsoft's Office Update Web site.